The Coast Guard Foundation hosts events around the country throughout the year to raise awareness for the Coast Guard and to honor the service’s heroes.

uDream Events provided Event Services for a 50 guest cocktail party, held at the Windjammer Club on the Coast Guard Base in St. Petersburg. The evening included a delicious spread of hors d’oeuvres and ice cold cocktails for a perfect summertime event. The décor was sleek and clean. The bright yellow daisies added a splash of summer color to the crisp white backdrop. Guests enjoyed themselves over good food, cold drinks and a great cause.

The catered food was an amazing spread of cold and room-temp foods for this scorching summer day. The Watermelon Gazpacho Soup Shooters and Chorizo Skewers went perfect with a nice cold glass of homemade lemonade.

A special Thanks to Good Food Catering Company for their delicious food, and to Erin Nutini for the great Photography. Thanks again for such a wonderful event!

Please Visit the Coast Guard Foundation website at to learn about upcoming events and how you can help!


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