Tampa Bay Event Staff, Bartenders and Cocktail Staff

Are you looking for event staff for your upcoming Holiday Party or Special Event?
We offer licensed & insured event staff including Bartenders, Catering Service Staff, Cocktail Waitresses and Bar Backs.
Hire your professional Tampa Bay event staff today!
You can view photos of our event staff online here:
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Professional Bartenders
$150 per bartender for up to 6 hours of service including full setup, service and cleanup.
($25 per additional hour if needed)

Catering Service Staff   |   Cocktail Staff    |    Bar Backs
$120 per service staff member for up to 6 hours of service.
($20 per additional hour if needed)

Insurance & Liquor Liability
We provide a $2,000,000 liquor liability insurance policy and a $1,000,000 general liability insurance policy.  Certificate of insurance can be sent to client with venue/client listed as holder and additional insured.

Staff Details
Your bar staff will include all bartending service tools: shaker tins, beer bottle opener, wine key, juice pourers, pour spouts, bar towels and tip jars.
Your staff members will wear formal black attire or casual polo attire if preferred.  Themed event attire is also available upon request.

Let us know how we can make your event a success!
Contact us to book your event today.

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